AHA Transhumance – live meeting – Avila, Spain Home About ERFP Events Ad hoc action meetings AHA Transhumance - live meeting - Avila, Spain 21 Jun 2024 Provisionnal agenda Introduction - Objectives of the WG meeting - Fabio Pilla (Italy) The transhumance system, transhumance and local breed. J. Delgado, Spain The role of livestock in the framework of the CAP with special reference to local breeds and transhumance - C. Barba Capote, Spain The intangible values of transhumance - L. Bindi (Italy) The environmental values of transhumance - P Manzano Basque (Spain) The role of the transhumance in the management of the territory and local breeds in the framework of the CAP - C. García Moreno (Spain) The UNESCO declaration of transhumance /The International year for rangeland and pastoralism - Francesca Pasetti, Spain Special seasonal systems of transhumance in the Alps for Austria, Switzerland and Germany - Antje Feldmann, Germany Transhumance in Spain - Maria Pia SANCHEZ, Spain Transhumance in Greece - Despina Karatosidi, Greece Transhumance in Slovenia - Danijela Bojkovski, Slovenia The example of Manech and Basco béarnaise breeds and Gasconne Pyrénées breed - C. Soulas (France) The Alpagota sheep breed in the Alps - Enrico Sturaro, Italy The Podolianbreed and transhumance in Southern Italy - Rocco Giorgio Basilicata (Italy) The Avilena breed - Pedro Herrainz (Spain) About ERFP Objectives What is ERFP? How do we operate Secretariat Assembly Steering Committee List of Members Working Groups Documentation and Information Ex situ Conservation In situ Conservation and Valorisation Task Forces Access and Benefit Sharing EU matters In situ conservation and valorisation of Animal Genetic Resources Risk Status and Indicators Agri-environmental Measures Ad hoc actions List of Projects Reimbursement EUGENA Steering Committee News Events Assembly Meetings Steering Committee meetings Working group meetings Ad hoc action meetings Task Force meetings Other events Press kit