European Regional Focal Point for Animal Genetic Resources

Regional platform for the support of management, conservation and sustainable use of animal genetic resources

In situ conservation and valorisation of Animal Genetic Resources

ERFP Task Force In situ conservation and valorisation of Animal Genetic Resources

Not operational changed into the permanent Working group since 2018

Due to the importance of in situ conservation of AnGR within the Global Plan of Action and the currently underexploited ERFP activities for the area of in situ conservation, the ERFP would like to intensify the efforts to support in situ conservation of AnGR. A new Task Force was established to develop detailed Objectives and a Work plan for a new permanent ERFP Working Group on in situ conservation and valorization of AnGR. The Task Force is expected to define and propose the role of ERFP in supporting the in situ conservation and valorisation of AnGR in Europe, and to identify priority activities of a new permanent Working Group. The activities of the new Task Force will be:

•    exchange experiences on the local initiatives for the in situ conservation and valorization of rare breeds including the provision of translation services,

•    share the information about implemented and planned activities, success stories, projects, initiatives across countries,

•    discuss legal conditions and financial support measures (in order to optimize their implementation in in situ conservation strategies),

•    improve the integration of in situ and ex situ conservation activities,

•    the coordination of in situ conservation efforts for transboundary breeds,

•    the promotion of the utilization of rare breeds and respective R&D activities to relevant stakeholders, for value chains and landscape management, the identification of “added value”-arguments (e. g. cultural heritage, traditional knowledge, ecosystem services, local marketing, organic agriculture) for valorization initiatives for rare breeds,

•    the promotion of modern breeding technologies for the purpose of in situ conservation of AnGR to respective stakeholders on transnational and national level, development and coordination of European Innovation Partnership operational groups for in situ conservation of AnGR within the EU Rural Development Policy.