The ERFP objectives are:
- to support the in situ and ex situ conservation and sustainable use of AnGR in European countries.
- to facilitate the implementation of the Global Plan of Action for AnGR in Europe.
- to assist and enhance the AnGR activities of NCs at the European level.
- to develop and maintain regular contact and exchange of relevant information on AnGR horizontally between European NCs and EAAP and vertically with the Global Focal Point in Rome using existing structures.
- to stimulate the funding and organisation of regional projects, research, workshops and national programmes for AnGR within the European Region.
- to maintain an appropriate liaison with the European Commission, the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and regional and international NGOs. For scientific aspects, it is supported by the European Association of Animal Production’s Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources (EAAP WG-AGR).
- to stimulate and coordinate the maintenance and further development of national and regional AnGR databases and to encourage European information networking on AnGR.