Documentation and Information
The ERPF Working Group “Documentation and Information” will address the following tasks:
Over the past number of years, a European information system for animal genetic resources (EFABIS) as a contribution and gateway to transfer data from national information systems (national inventories) to the global information system, DAD-IS at the FAO, has been devel-oped. National Focal Points in charge of the national inventories and nominated by National Coordinators are therefore now requested to upload their national data into EFABIS.
The EFABIS is essential for monitoring and an assessment of the diversity of AnGR in Europe and allows for an informed decision-making by countries from a regional perspective. Both monitoring and assessment as well as user needs might require further functionalities of EFABIS which should be identified and further developed by the ERFP Working Group Documentation and Information
The documentation of AnGR is one of the main targets of the GPA and an important basis for informed decision-making by countries, the ERFP and FAO at the global level. Countries should be supported by the ERFP Working Group Documentation and Information in the establishment of their national inventories for AnGR.
- available on the meetings page