European Regional Focal Point for Animal Genetic Resources

Regional platform for the support of management, conservation and sustainable use of animal genetic resources

Task Forces

Task Forces are established by the Assembly or by the Steering Committee on a temporary basis to solve specific tasks.

The mandate, budget, leader and members of the Task Forces are decided by the Assembly or the Steering Committee and are based upon suggestions received from National Coordinators. Task Forces should consist of 3-8 experts, of which at least the leader should be a member of the Assembly. Task Forces may be established whenever common views of the European region are needed or where a common action would be necessary in order to respond to an urgent issue in the AnGR sector. They deliver a report on the outcomes of their work to the Assembly.

Following Task Forces were/are active:

  • Transboundary breeds – active
  • Permanent secretariat – active
  • Genebanks software – active
  • Access and benefit sharing – not active
  • Collaboration with EU – not active
  • In situ conservation and valorisation of Animal Genetic Resources – not active (permanent WG established)