The election of the Secretariat is carried out by the Assembly for a 4-years period. A re-election for a maximum of a second 4-years period is possible.
Tasks of the ERFP Secretariat are:
- to distribute relevant information on AnGR and to facilitate communication among the NCs
- to communicate with the Global Focal Point at FAO and other regional focal points
- to give secretarial support to the Assembly of the NCs and to organise its Annual Meeting
- to give secretarial support to the SC
- to execute decisions made by the Assembly and the SC
- to support the Working Groups, Task Forces and Ad hoc actions such as the ERFP-funded projects as appropriate
- to be responsible for the financial management of the ERFP budget
- to provide technical and financial reports on a regular basis
- to maintain and update the ERFP website
- to publish the ERFP newsletter
The current ERFP Secretariat is located at:
Institut de l’Elevage (IDELE)
Département Génétique et Phénotypes
149 rue de Bercy
75595 PARIS CEDEX 12