European Regional Focal Point for Animal Genetic Resources

Regional platform for the support of management, conservation and sustainable use of animal genetic resources


The election of the Secretariat is carried out by the Assembly for a 4-years period. A re-election for a maximum of a second 4-years period is possible.

Tasks of the ERFP Secretariat are:

  • to distribute relevant information on AnGR and to facilitate communication among the NCs
  • to communicate with the Global Focal Point at FAO and other regional focal points
  • to give secretarial support to the Assembly of the NCs and to organise its Annual Meeting
  • to give secretarial support to the SC
  • to execute decisions made by the Assembly and the SC
  • to support the Working Groups, Task Forces and Ad hoc actions such as the ERFP-funded projects as appropriate
  • to be responsible for the financial management of the ERFP budget
  • to provide technical and financial reports on a regular basis
  • to maintain and update the ERFP website
  • to publish the ERFP newsletter

The current ERFP Secretariat is located at:

Institut de l’Elevage (IDELE)
Département Génétique et Phénotypes
149 rue de Bercy
75595 PARIS CEDEX 12

