The Member States of ERFP are represented in the Assembly by National Coordinators who are nominated by the respective Ministry. The main decision making body of ERFP is the Assembly of NCs or their representatives as indicated by the respective National Coordinator. In addition, representatives of the European Commission, FAO, EAAP, NordGen and NGOs are invited as observers.
The Assembly brings together all NCs in the European region at the Annual Meeting, usually in connection to the annual EAAP conference. Other meetings might be organised if required. The Assembly approves the ERFP budget and provides overall technical and policy guidance to the operation of ERFP. It holds the overall responsibility for implementing the MYPOW. The Assembly may establish or terminate Working Groups, Task Forces and Ad hoc actions, takes decisions regarding their general scope and review progress made by them. It mandates and oversees the Steering Committee and the Secretariat to carry out its decisions. The Assembly meets annually.
The annual meeting consists of:
- presentation of results produced by the Working Groups, Task Forces and Ad hoc actions;
- exchange of information on relevant national and sub-regional activities;
- decision on the organisational and general functions within ERFP;
- discussion on and adoption of MYPOW with prioritised areas and respective budget allocation for the Working Groups, Task Forces and Ad hoc actions in the coming years;
- approval of the annual report and the account for the previous year;
- approval of annual programme and budget for the coming year;
- election of the members and chair of the Steering Committee and auditors;
- every four years, election of the Secretariat for a 4-years period.