European Regional Focal Point for Animal Genetic Resources

Regional platform for the support of management, conservation and sustainable use of animal genetic resources

Steering Committee

The ERFP Steering Committee consists of 5 members of the Assembly representing each of the European sub-regions: South, Central, East, West and North. The members are elected by the Assembly ad personam for a 4-years term of office. The ERFP Steering Committee is headed by a chair being outside the regional consideration. The chair is elected by the Assembly for a 3-years term of office with the possibility of re-election for another 3 years.

The ERFP Steering Committee plans or executes the activities of the ERFP as decided upon by the Assembly. It mandates the Secretariat in carrying out its decisions and monitors the financial position of the ERFP in conjunction with the Secretariat. It represents the ERFP in communications with other institutions within the mandate of the Assembly.