European Regional Focal Point for Animal Genetic Resources

Regional platform for the support of management, conservation and sustainable use of animal genetic resources


Success story: the revival of the Leicome pig

If you want to read about the success story of the Leicome pig that was almost extinct in 2012 with only one farmer left, check out this ...

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Creation of Genetic Resources, a new online journal

We are happy to announce the creation of Genetic Resources (, a new open access peer-reviewed online journal which is free to publish and free to read. The journal is inspired by the ...

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Animal Gene Banks: More than just a bank! - The IMAGE project recommendations

"Less than 1% of the genetic material in the collections of gene banks is transferred into livestock breeding programs or breed conservation programs in Europe" In order to bring breeding ...

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Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture

The regional (Europe and Central Asia) synthesis report on Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture is available on the FAO website. Check it out !

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Learn more about the Polish gene bank collection

The Polish data have been loaded in the EUGENA portal, check out its collection by following this link: Polish Gene Bank

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Final version of the Guidelines of Material Acquisition Agreements and Material Transfer Agreement for Genebanks.

The ABS Task Force and the Ex Situ Conservation Working Group have been working in the last years in the development of a Guidelines of Material Acquisition Agreements and Material Transfer ...

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Check ERFP on the social media !

We started our communication plan ! Now you can see all the content of ERFP,our publication and full agenda with all the important events on the following media: Instagram: ...

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General Assembly of the ERFP network in Ghent (Belgium)

Last August, a total of 45 people attended our annual General Assembly, including 32 NCs or NCs representatives and representing 36 countries, NGOS (Nordgen, RBI, SAVE, SLE) or international ...

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Issue n°5 of the IMAGE Newsletter

If you want to know more about the H2020 project "IMAGE" (INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT OF ANİMAL GENETIC RESOURCES), check out this link ! Newsletter N° 5

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End of the joint meetings between the working groups and the ABS Task Force

A very fruitful meeting was held in Madrid, Spain, from May 21st till May 24th, between the three ERFP working groups (Ex situ, In situ conservation and valorization, Documentation and Information) ...

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EIP-AGRI Workshop "Small is smart"

Rare breeds are often kept in small farms. The EIP-AGRI is offering a way to discuss inovative solutions and improve networking between stakeholders through a workshop. Please register here ...

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Animal Biotechnology 2017 - “Biodiversity - Animal Genetic Resources”, Nitra, Slovakia

The conference Animal Biotechnology 2017 was held on December 7th, 2017 in the National Agricultural and Food Centre (NPPC), Research Institute for Animal Production Nitra in Lužianky. The main ...

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