European Regional Focal Point for Animal Genetic Resources

Regional platform for the support of management, conservation and sustainable use of animal genetic resources

Main outcomes of the Native Horses Network Meeting

Last november, the first meeting of the ERFP Ad Hoc Action on Nordic Native Horses was held in Alnarp, Sweden. Nineteen people from nine different countries met in a hybrid reunion as a follow-up of a NordGen action, which arranged the first Native Horse Network meeting in November 2019 in Oslo, Norway.

The Baltic Sea region and Northern European native horse breeds are mostly indigenous small purebred populations. They represent an economically and historically important genetic resource which over time has been used as the basis for the development of new breeds.

Expected outcomes

  • Developing material for the breeder’s associations and for educational and promotional purposes
  • New materials about the history of the breeds and their local values to the region for benefit of local business.
  • Share knowledge about the small local horse breeds and promote them to the public


The minutes and main presentations of the AHA are available here.