Significant accomplishments related to Animal Genetic Resources have occurred lately in Europe. Following the publication of the Genetic Resources Strategy for Europe in 2021, an Animal strategy was released by the European Regional Focal Point. Meanwhile, the EU commission selected a consortium led by Wagenigen University and Research to set up a European reference centre on Endangered Animal Breeds (EURC EAB) starting January 2023.
These main achievements were presented in a side event during the week of the FAO Intergovernmental Technical Working Groups.
The event was chaired by Montserrat Castellanos (Spain). Danijela Bojkovski (Slovenia), leader of the ERFP “strategy” Ad Hoc Action, presented the main orientations of the AnGR Strategy and was followed by Sipke Hiemstra (The Netherlands). As the director of the new EURC EAB, he presented the consortium and its plan of action for the next two years.
A total of 27 different countries were represented during the event and 134 people attended online. You can watch all the interventions by following this link.